Monday 1 September 2014

2.4 Kids

Living in a world
Where we aren't allowed to think
How much further
Can society sink?
Nuclear deterrents
And weapons of destruction
All forms of media
Have succumbed to corruption

It's lie after lie
With the promise of help
Cause you greedy fuckers
Only help yourselves
But I keep my promises
And never lie
Cross my heart
And hope you die

Subliminal messages
Go out on T.V.
But I'm telling you now
They don't do shit to me
Propaganda, deceit
Cover ups and lies
Someone tries to speak out
That someone then dies

It's lie after lie
With the promise of help
Cause you greedy fuckers
Only help yourselves
But I keep my promises
And never lie
Cross my heart
And hope you die

I don't want a nuclear family
With 2.4 kids
I don't want to live my life your way
It takes the piss
You fill our heads
With mindless shit
And we've had enough
You fucking prick

We keep our promises
We never lie
So I'll cross my heart
And hope you die

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