Friday 14 November 2014

Tastes Like Blood

Look at you standing there
With your perfect body and blonde hair
To tell the truth, you gave me a scare
With that look that says 'I just don't care'

You taste like blood in my mouth and I don't understand why
You tell me you love me then tell me to die
You didn't just break me, you tore me apart
So I'm asking you nicely 'Can we go back to the start?'

Before you destroyed me
In the most beautiful way
I would walk straight past you
So I could live for today

You taste like blood in my mouth and I don't understand why
You tell me you love me then tell me to die
You didn't just break me, you tore me apart
So I'm asking you nicely 'Can we go back to the start?'

So I can look at you standing there
Not give a damn about your stupid blonde hair
If you notice me, I hope I give you a scare
With that look that says 'I just don't care'

Thursday 30 October 2014

Black Hole Soul

I don't know how to feel
As I stare into your soul
This just can't be real
I'm getting lost in the black hole

Maybe I could save you
Maybe I could help
But I don't want to
So you'll have to help yourself

I guess there's a chance
That I could be the one
But fuck romance
Good bye, so long

Maybe I could save you
Maybe I could help
But I don't want to
So you'll have to help yourself

And I get it girl
You wanna be set free
But there's 8 billion people on earth
So don't count on me

I know that I could save you
I know that I could help
But I don't have the time to
So please go fuck yourself

Sunday 28 September 2014

Dead Girl Talking

Fuck smoking kills pass me 20 more
Cause you're a chain-smoker and I'm looking to score
If smoking kills I'm a dead man walking
And whilst you're still here, you're a dead girl talking

It's setting my mind on fire
This unnatural desire
It's like a hardcore hokey cokey
Rampaging inside of me
I feel so alive yet so dead
Your personality is messing with my head

Fuck smoking kills pass me 20 more
Cause you're a chain-smoker and I'm looking to score
If smoking kills I'm a dead man walking
And whilst you're still here, you're a dead girl talking

The problem is you don't have I.D.
So I have to buy fags for you and me
When I'm with you my hearts in slo-mo
But then smoking does reduce the blood flow
They say our love is young and free
But I'm paying for your pack of twenty

Fuck smoking kills pass me 20 more
Cause you're a chain-smoker and I'm looking to score
If smoking kills I'm a dead man walking
And whilst you're still here, you're a dead girl talking

If smoking kills I'm a dead man walking
And whilst you're still here, you're a dead girl talking
Light up another before I go to bed
Fuck all night and wake up dead

Sunday 14 September 2014

Fuck Player Three

I want to live in a video game
I was hoping that you'd feel the same
Fuck the real world and fuck T.V.
Come live in a video game with me

You can be player one and I'll be player two
That way I get to follow you
All the way round our video game life
Maybe you can be my video game wife

I want to live in a video game
I was hoping that you'd feel the same
Fuck the real world and fuck T.V.
Come live in a video game with me

See we could get a movie to rent
But I'd rather complete this game at 100%
And it doesn't matter what score you get
If you think it's too shit, I'll just press reset

I want to live in a video game
I was hoping that you'd feel the same
Fuck the real world and fuck T.V.
Come live in a video game with me

So what if we complete the game
We can always play it again
We can live in a video game, just you and me
Fuck ever inviting a player three

Monday 1 September 2014

2.4 Kids

Living in a world
Where we aren't allowed to think
How much further
Can society sink?
Nuclear deterrents
And weapons of destruction
All forms of media
Have succumbed to corruption

It's lie after lie
With the promise of help
Cause you greedy fuckers
Only help yourselves
But I keep my promises
And never lie
Cross my heart
And hope you die

Subliminal messages
Go out on T.V.
But I'm telling you now
They don't do shit to me
Propaganda, deceit
Cover ups and lies
Someone tries to speak out
That someone then dies

It's lie after lie
With the promise of help
Cause you greedy fuckers
Only help yourselves
But I keep my promises
And never lie
Cross my heart
And hope you die

I don't want a nuclear family
With 2.4 kids
I don't want to live my life your way
It takes the piss
You fill our heads
With mindless shit
And we've had enough
You fucking prick

We keep our promises
We never lie
So I'll cross my heart
And hope you die

Friday 20 June 2014

This Is It!

Have fun in paradise
And enjoy your life
We ain't fucking Jesus
We don't live twice

Fuck all the people
Who are keeping you down
Fuck all the memories
That still hang around
Fuck all the people
Who don't give a shit
And fuck your future
Cause this is it!

Have fun in paradise
And enjoy your life
We ain't fucking Jesus
We don't live twice

Fuck all the people
Who keep telling lies
Fuck all the things
That made a part of you die
Fuck all the people
Who don't care one little bit
And fuck your future
Cause this is it!

Have fun in paradise
And enjoy your life
We ain't fucking Jesus
We don't live twice

Fuck all the people
Who think you are wrong
Fuck everyone
Who think you don't belong
Jesus had haters
And he's the son of God
So fuck all the people
And fuck being a miserable sod

Have fun in paradise
And enjoy your life
We ain't fucking Jesus
We don't live twice
Have fun in paradise
And enjoy your life
We ain't fucking Jesus
We don't live twice

Wednesday 21 May 2014

God Backwards is Fucking Dog

I've been searching for a sign
Of the mother fucking divine
But heaven didn't make me whole
And Satan didn't want my soul
So I'm lost and I'm trapped
I may as well be fucking tapped

I'm too corrupt for heaven
Fuck, I'm too corrupt for hell
Turn's out I'm too corrupt for existence as well
I'm too corrupt for heaven
Fuck, I'm too corrupt for hell
Turn's out I'm too corrupt for existence as well

My Soul, it can't be seen
Heard it made the devil scream
He's one bad fucking bitch
But I left him crying like a kid
He controls hell and I wanna know how
I can't cause he's fucked himself now

I'm too corrupt for heaven
Fuck, I'm too corrupt for hell
Turn's out I'm too corrupt for existence as well
I'm too corrupt for heaven
Fuck, I'm too corrupt for hell
Turn's out I'm too corrupt for existence as well

Though fuck it if the devil's that scared
Let's see how God fares
The angels are too fucked to even care
They let me straight upstairs
I take a stroll over like 'God wassup?'
Then I show him my soul and he gets fucked up

I'm too corrupt for heaven
Fuck, I'm too corrupt for hell
Turn's out I'm too corrupt for existence as well
I'm too corrupt for heaven
Fuck, I'm too corrupt for hell
Turn's out I'm too corrupt for existence as well

Now I look after the devil and god
Fuck, God backwards is fucking dog
Yeah, I keep em like pets, it's pretty swell
Sometimes I even said God down to hell
See the thing is I'm so fucked up
And my soul, well that's beyond corrupt

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Take A Pill, Close Your Eyes

I'm sorry dear but I can tell
Me and you belong in hell
There's no place for us here
I'm going to hell and I'll hold you near

Life's a game that you can't win
So lets take our lives and live in sin
I'm sick and tired of the same old shit
So give me a gun and I'll take the hit

Corruptions running through my head
Wed both be better off dead
Take a pill, close your eyes
Maybe then you'l feel alive

Life's a game that you can't win
So lets take our lives and live in sin
I'm sick and tired of the same old shit
So give me a gun and I'll take the hit

Maybe all isn't as it seems
You'll never achieve any of your dreams
Instead you'll live in this nightmare
We're going to hell, no need to be scared

Life's a game that you can't win
So lets take our lives and live in sin
I'm sick and tired of the same old shit
So give me a gun and I'll take the hit

Life's a game that you can't win
I'm sick and tired of playing
There's nothing more that you can say
I'd rather not see another day

Life's a game that you can't win
Lets commit ourselves to eternal sin
I'm so sorry dear but I can tell
Me and you belong in hell

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Mental Assault

You fell in love with a different me
But that's not who I want to be
It seems that I've changed for the worst
So why did I have to meet you first?

The problem is we never stay the same
And we're the only ones to blame
I'll always just be me
That's all I can ever be

You fell in love with a different me
But that's not who I want to be
It seems that I've changed for the worst
So why did I have to meet you first?

It stands to reason that you're the reason
I can't commit myself to treason
That's all it ever would be
Cause I'd be killing a part of me

You fell in love with a different me
But that's not who I want to be
It seems that I've changed for the worst
So why did I have to meet you first?

Remember that it's not your fault
I'm a victim of mental assault
There's a war happening in my head
Won't stop till the old me is dead

You fell in love with a different me
But that's not who I want to be
It seems that I've changed for the worst
So why did I have to meet you first?

You fell in love with a different me
That part's dead fortunately

Saturday 18 January 2014

Messin' Around

And at the end of the day
It's not just all games that we play
Or maybe it is?
And we're all taking the piss

So why don't you
Take it steady now
So why don't you
Take it steady now
And chill the fuck out

Nah I'm only joking
But yes I've been smoking
Take it in, consume your soul
I guarantee you'll feel at home

So why don't you
Take it steady now
So why don't you
Take it steady now
And chill the fuck out

I'm just messin around
I think you'd be pretty sound
If you just take it steady now
And chill the fuck out

So why don't you
Take it steady now
So why don't you
Take it steady now
And chill the fuck out