Sunday 6 October 2013

Warning Light

Warning light flashing through my brain
Warning light driving me insane
Warning light flashing round my head
Gonna flash till the day I'm dead

Flashing on and off every night and day
Met a man who told me that's how it'll stay
Cause he'd seen things the same as me
But the light tampered with his memory

Warning light flashing through my brain
Warning light driving me insane
Warning light flashing round my head
Gonna flash till the day I'm dead

Maybe that day will come soon
Until then the light consumes
Every single fucking breath I take
The light makes me think is a mistake

Warning light flashing through my brain
Warning light driving me insane
Warning light flashing round my head
Gonna flash till the day I'm dead

If I take my life it'll go away
But then I'll not see another day
The light insides leaving me withdrawn
I'll make it stop tomorrow at dawn

Warning light flashing through my brain
Warning light driving me insane
Warning light flashing round my head
Gonna flash till the day I'm dead

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