Saturday 21 September 2013

Thank you Lord Satan

You're getting better and I'm getting worst
Your prayers were answered and I got this curse
The saddest part is I couldn't give a fuck
Cause after all these years I'm waking up

Thank you Satan for condemning my soul
With the evil inside I feel at home
And the best part is I only paid a small price
You took my feelings in return for my life

There's not a single night that goes by
That I don't regret giving up my life
I can't feel anything, nothing at all
Now that I've answered the devil's call

Now I'm pledged to you Satan, to do as you will
To maim or to damage, to hurt or to kill
And the worst part is it gives me a kick
I love you Lord Satan for making me sick

The devils a being true to his word
For his was the last voice that I ever heard
Before I was taken and tortured and killed
For I am a demon with evil I'm filled

There's not a single night that goes by
That I don't regret giving up my life
I can't feel anything, nothing at all
Now that I've answered the devil's call

But now I wish to lift this curse
I want to feel so fucking worst
Cause that's better than feeling nothing at all
So don't you dare answer the devil's call

But now I wish to lift this curse
I want to feel so fucking worst
Cause that's better than feeling nothing at all
So don't you dare answer the devil's call

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